Living a Life Worth Living…
I went to a conference for entrepreneurs in Washington D.C. for Fourth of July weekend and it turned out to be more of a spiritual awakening. Did I get insight on what life and expectations are as an entrepreneur? Yes! But even better, I remembered what it feels like to want more (unrelated to money) and feel like there’s something inside of you wanting to be birthed. I left feeling like I wanted to make an impact in people’s lives and an urge to scream in excitement of what’s to come. I left wanting to truly LIVE a life worth living!

While I don’t have everything figured out yet, I know that I want to live a life outside of the box that I’ve been living in most of my life; Outside of the 9-5, the same daily routines, seeing the same places, filled with worry and fear of the unknown, seeking security in the predictable, not taking financial risks, looking at prices before making decisions, awaiting permission to take vacation, seeking permission, seeking approval, consuming only what the media feeds, not speaking my full truth in an effort not to offend an easily offended generation…I want to get out of this box. I want to be the minority because the majority of people I know live and die in this box.
So how do I live a life outside of the box?
I started asking myself these questions:
Am I living my full potential?
Am I living according to God’s plan for my life?
What is my purpose?
If I know my purpose, am I living it out?
What is my spiritual life like?
Am I doing ENOUGH of the things that bring me joy?
What emotion do I feel most of the day?
Am I laughing enough?
Am I traveling enough?
Do I worry too much?
Is fear or anxiety interfering with my decisions?
What am I afraid of? And why?
What thoughts are being repeated in my mind over and over again? Are they positive or negative?
Are there things that I dislike about myself? If so, what is the ROOT of this dislike?
Am I taking good care of my body?
Do I look forward to tomorrow?
Am I adding value to the lives of others in any way?
What do I want to be known for?
Do I SOLVE problems or just TALK ABOUT them?
What is one thing that I should be doing right now that I’m not?
Will I have any regrets in 10, 20 or 30 years?

Although I don’t have all of the answers, I know that getting closer to living a life that I consider worth living lies in these questions. Now that I’ve asked myself these questions and answered honestly, my next steps are to change the answers of the ones I don’t like the answers to.
Asking these questions have changed my perspective on life and what I consider success or true happiness. That definition varies from person to person, but in the end, we ALL want to live a joyful and impactful life. So I ask you, are you truly living? Take some time to answer these questions or others that may be more appropriate for you and find out!
Until next time,