toxin-free for longevity
Working in medicine has taught me the importance of health and decisions. The decisions we make are crucial to our overall health, but not being well informed means not making truly clear decisions. Once I became knowledgeable about toxins, their effects and prevalence everywhere (from food to products to the environment), I have changed the decisions I make, which has an impact on not only my health but my family’s health. I want to teach YOU how to do the same! Let me guide you on your nontoxic journey!
–Vanessa (Certified NP)
facts matter
I used to be naive, believing whatever I was “fed”. I assumed that what was presented was the truth and rarely questioned people in leadership, authority or the media. What I’ve learned is the complete opposite! Through this growth and discovery, I’ve learned of all the toxic things we are consuming, using, and being exposed to on a daily basis. Also, my son’s diagnosis of Autism also led me to seek alternate treatment and options for some of the issues we faced with him. I’ve pursued a more “natural” lifestyle on and off through the years, but this is what started my pursuit to live as nontoxic as possible and really bring the focus back to health.
Book a consult
Are you looking to figure out how to get started on your nontoxic or wellness journey? Have you started but feel unorganized or overwhelmed? Are you wondering what products you should keep and which to toss? I am here to help! Book your consultation with me today! 20 min-45 min sessions available.

quotes i live by

Brands: want to collaborate?
As a content creator, I not only create content for my website, shop and social media pages, but I also create content for brands via social media posts, product photography, etc.

Are you ready to become friends?
Browse the site for advice and discussions around toxins, healthy lifestyles, products, marriage, social media links, and more. Let’s make this a long-lasting relationship!