We hear the phrase that “God’s timing is always right” or “God’s timing is perfect” a lot. If you’re a Christian or grew up in church, this is surely something you have heard or even repeated yourself. We equate this thought or belief with something that is good or positive. We tell ourselves we’ll just “wait on God” and His timing. What we are not told is that although it may be “perfect”, it surely isn’t always PRETTY.
Do you agree?
As a Christian who is continuously looking to have a bigger and better relationship with God, I believe that His timing is perfect. But, I also want what I want, when I want it. Sound familiar? What I’ve learned is that God’s process will most likely NOT be easy. What do I mean by this? It means you’re going to get what is meant for you, but you’re gonna have to go through some things before you get there. There’s a molding and pruning process that must take place, in order for you to receive the blessings that He has in store for you. It means there’s some mountains you’ll have to climb or valleys you’ll have to walk through. These won’t be easy, or pleasant, or even favorable.
Think about the Israelites and the promises God made them regarding the Promised Land. Do you remember what they went through before reaching this land? Do you remember the miracles God had to perform on this journey in order to get them to that land? They spent 40 years wandering in the wilderness before reaching their promise…40 years!!! (For your reference, I recommend you read from Exodus to Joshua for the full experience)
“But, do not forget this one thing, dear friends: To the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as one day.” (2 Peter 3:8)
It seemed like they would never get there! They were discouraged, exhausted, weak, disobedient, felt hopeless, and even at times wanted to return to slavery in Egypt instead of enduring the process of getting to their promised land. Return back into slavery!!! It’s no wonder why we often feel discouraged and hopeless while we are going through our own process. There are numerous biblical references and stories that show you each great leader’s journey and pruning process, and they all have something in common: The process wasn’t easy! And yours won’t be either!
Are you currently being “pruned” by God?
Are you going through some tough or conflicting times right now? Is there something that you are waiting for from God? If yes, I encourage you to use this moment to think about the lessons you have and are currently learning during this time. I want to remind you that these lessons are meant to be used in your testimony, so that when someone else hears it, they too will know that not only are they not alone, but that there is something to learn from it. Also, that you will appreciate it that much more.
Well, hopefully 🙂
As you’re going through your difficult moment, I want to remind you that you will make it to your ‘promised land’, whatever that blessing or miracle may be. But remember that even if (when) trouble or difficulty comes, it may hurt you, throw you down, cut you, break you, wound you…but it will not KILL you. You CAN and you WILL get through it! Don’t give up! Don’t surrender! There are things that He is trying to teach you. Those teachings will benefit you once you receive that blessing/miracle/promise. Just trust His process and His timing.
“There is a time for everything, and everything on Earth has its special season.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
His timing is perfect, but the process may not be what you anticipated or imagined. It may not be pretty or fun. It is necessary in order to receive the blessings He has in store for you. We will never understand why we must go through this process fully, but if we look at the people God has used and blessed in a mighty way, we know that we are not alone in the process, and that they left a significant impact on the world. Maybe you and I will too 🙂
With Love,