I took a poll in my Instagram stories, and was shocked to learn how many people don’t know about the Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen. I used this method to help in buying fruits and vegetables before transitioning to a more natural and non-toxic lifestyle. Unfortunately, buying ALL organic was too expensive for our budget at that time. We have switched to mostly organic now. So, I like to tell people to put the Dirty Dozen/Clean Fifteen into practice if they’re not ready yet either.
So what is the Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen?
This is an annual list created by the Environmental Working Group (EWG). The EWG is an American activist and advocacy group in the areas of agricultural issues. These lists outline the fruits and vegetables that contain the highest and fewest concentrations of pesticides. Per The EWG’s FAQ, the lists are created based on laboratory tests done by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Pesticide Testing Program, and the Food and Drug Administration.
The test data from the Department of Agriculture revealed that most produce sold in the U.S. comes with pesticide residue. To rank a fruit or vegetable, they used different measures of contamination, and gave them a score.
Why is this important?
The researchers first wash and/or peel the produce before testing it. This is just like what we do when we buy produce. It turns out that washing AND peeling do not remove all traces of pesticides! Buying Certified Organic means that those foods are produced without synthetic chemicals or fertilizers, genetic engineering, radiation or sewage sludge. A French study published in a journal from the American Medical Association, found that out of 69,000 participants, those who consumed organic produce the most, had 25 percent less cancers than those who did not eat organic food.
In 2018, data from Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health Environment and Reproductive Health, found an association between consuming foods high in pesticide residues and fertility problems.
But organic is more expensive…
So yes, It’s true that organic products are usually more expensive. If you can’t purchase all organic produce, start with the lists below to learn how to get started or get the most for your money.
Below are the 2019 lists of the EWG’s Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen:
The Dirty Dozen is a list of the produce that contain the HIGHEST concentration of pesticides. The EWG recommends buying these “organic”.

The Clean Fifteen is a list of the produce that contain the FEWEST concentration of pesticides. The EWG agrees they do not need to be purchased “organic”.

I found these lists to be really helpful in my journey, and I hope you do too! So remember, living healthier, nontoxic lives does not have to be too complicated or out of reach. You can find ways to make it doable.
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With love,