5 Ways I Practice Better Self Care
Last post I talked about why self care is important. This is something I’m trying to work on continuously, because life constantly throws curve balls our way and it’s easy to become stressed and anxious. This post I’ll cover my favorite ways of practicing self care which includes physical, emotional, and spiritual ways. Now there are a number of ways one can do this, but these are the top 5 that are working the best for me consistently right now.
They’ve helped in minimizing my stress and anxiety and will hopefully do the same for you. Ready?


Every now and then I have moments where I go hard and exercise consistently, and then there are moments where working out is like a long lost (boy/girl)friend…nowhere to be found. When I am on a role and do this consistently, I literally feel like a different person. The energy, drive, motivation and mental clearness I have is unbelievable! I problem solve better, think clearer, and breathe better.
The health benefits that exercising has is no lie, because when you experience it full blown then you understand the power behind it. If you’re reading this and you struggle with exercising, start small: walk a little bit longer than usual, take the stairs instead of the elevator/escalator, lift lighter weights to start and increase as tolerated, etc. Starting is always the hardest part, but when you do it becomes easier.
How about you? How do you practice self care? All year I plan to do the #howiselfcarechallenge. If you’re on Instagram, find me @naturallyfreckledblog, follow me and tag me or use this hashtag and share with me your pics or videos of you practicing self care.